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Tip of the Month: Systems Integrator v14 (and beyond) – The gift that keeps on giving! Highlights of our latest release and a preview as to what is “under the tree” for 2021! | Proposal, System Design & Project Management Software

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October 1, 2024
Tip of the Month: Systems Integrator v14 (and beyond) – The gift that keeps on giving! Highlights of our latest release and a preview as to what is “under the tree” for 2021! | Proposal, System Design & Project Management Software

For our holiday and end-of-the-year article, we thought we’d look back and highlight some of the features from our prior articles this year and take a sneak-peek at things to come in v15.


Vendor Partners

This was one of our most sought-after feature enhancements in the history of our software platform, and the dealer feedback verifies that!  This feature now enables our users to register with our supplier partners to have their current dealer cost load directly into their Product Explorer (or catalog) and thus right into their SI Projects – making quoting with “live-time” pricing a reality!

See our prior blog entry here: D-Tools: Systems Integrator v13 New Feature Presentation
What’s the Latest Price?  Good Question?…Vendor Pricing is now live in SI!

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Per the usual disdain that we must deal with when it comes to taxes, we added an integration with a company called Avalara that specializes in identifying tax rates and compliance across multiple jurisdictions and regions.  This was a highly requested feature addition to our platform and can be easily added with just a few clicks and a subscription with Avalara, thus making it easier for those oh so painful remissions to Uncle Sam.

See our prior blog entry here:  D-Tools: Systems Integrator v13 – Feature Presentation
“Taxes, Taxes, Taxes.”  Tax computation via Avalara now live in SI!

Client/Lead Tracking

Another feature enhancement we launched this year is the ability to “track” a potential customer entry across the “lead” to “prospect” to “client” phases of the relationship development.  While we had ways to accomplish this as a work-around prior to this addition, now it is a full-on feature that will automatically change the customer’s “type” in the SI Client Explorer as you update details about their projects.  When tied to our Project Status designations and Workflow Rules, this can be a type of “CRM-like” tool.

See our prior blog entry here:  D-Tools: Systems Integrator v14 – New Feature Presentation
“Client/Lead Tracking.”  Keeping up with your customers is easier than ever in SI!

Business Analytics

So in the long line of additions to our software that really please the “management” types, look no further than the Business Analytics module that launched with v14.  Sales pipelines, project analysis, purchase and service order updates, and task/work order progression (just to name a few) can now be seen at just the click of your mouse or even docked on your SI v14 home screen. 

See our prior blog entry here:  D-Tools: Systems Integrator v14 – Enhanced Feature Presentation
“Leads, Prospects, & Clients.”  Creating your own Business Analytics in SI!


Just when you thought we couldn’t get any more creative with how you can assist your team with those mundane “to-do list” items, we launch Checklists!  Just the flexibility you need to add reminders and instructional protocols for your team to follow and update in our Projects, Gantt View, Tasks (work orders), and Service Orders.  A sure crowd-pleaser.  Enjoy!

See our prior blog entry here:  D-Tools: Systems Integrator v14 – Enhanced Feature Presentation
“Checklists.”  Making your list and checking it twice in SI!

Looking ahead to SI version 15
your holiday wish is our command

  • Solutions – enhancing your quoting opportunities to match your business model.
    Very similar to Packages in SI, our forthcoming “Solutions” feature will allow you to create groupings of products and labor items where large-scale duplication is required (e.g., across an entire building or campus).  Changes made in one instance can instantly update all solutions across the entire project.
  • Project Required Fields – setting your mandatory fields for SI project creation.
    This is a feature that is long overdue and much sought after by our users and will allow them to “make” the sales staff populate the client’s email and mobile number on each project created, just to name one example. 
  • Multi-window view – allowing for multiple purchase orders, tasks (work orders), service orders, and service plans to be open at one time.
    As a former integrator and real-world user of SI, this is a great addition.  Similar to how you can have multiple SI Projects open at one time, you’ll soon be able to copy/paste from one PO to the other or from a Task to a service order.  Finally!

And there you have it!  A year-end wrap-up to remind you of the many recent feature additions and ones yet to come.  Hopefully, these newly updated features in v14 have enabled your team to get more out of D-Tools System Integrator software.

See you in the new year! 


In closing…

For more information on these and other features of SI v14, please see this link: D-Tools SI v14.  You can also review our other videos and our usual support documentation.

You can also get more detailed information about v14 via our upcoming webinars or by enrolling in SI training with our PSG team.

And don’t forget, that’s why we’re here to ensure your success with our product!  Be sure to check back here next month for more on SI!

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