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Tip of the Month: “Checklists”. Making your list and checking it twice in SI!

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Tip of the Month: “Checklists”. Making your list and checking it twice in SI!

Per the recent launch of D-Tools System Integrator v14, this article will focus on one of the most requested new features – “Checklists”.  This feature is enabled for projects, tasks/service orders, and our new Gantt views.  It allows SI users to set-up and design unique “to-do” items within those areas. 

What exactly is this “checklist” designation?  A checklist in SI is presentation of details in a certain order for your team to review and execute, as they progress through a project, task, or service order items.

Where can these be found?  The primary location for these checklists can be found in the control panel. 

control panel
From the SI Home Page, you can select the Control Panel module from the settings icon. 

Control Panel

Once you select checklists, you’ll now see this screen:

Manage Checklist

To create a checklist, click on the “New” symbol New, then this screen will appear:

New Checklist

Now what’s somewhat different here is the creation approach and naming convention.  We have the option to create a “new” entry value (the parent) and then “sub” values are referred to as a “new child”.

Name your Checklist and then populate the details.  Perhaps you’ll start with a Project first:


Then you can add your checklist items…here’s an example:


Notice that these entries can be moved up and down, as well as promoted and demoted.

Once created, let’s see how this can assist your project team.

In an SI Project, navigate to the project tab and select the open icon:


From the drop-down list, select checklists.

Click the add button Addand then select from your list of checklists:


Upon selection, your checklist details will appear:

Project Protocol
Now you can update your items and run a report by clicking on the preview icon:


You can also add these checklists to your tasks (work orders) and service orders in SI.
(SI Task Editor)

SI Service Order Editor

(SI Service Order Editor)

SI Service Order Editor

Now, it’s simply a matter of working these new steps into your team’s protocol for how they approach and execute a project, task, and service order details per these new checklists!

The Gantt View

Let’s say you have populated your project’s Gantt View, and you’d like to add a checklist for your team to follow along with the tasks or other items per the project’s to-do list.

Once you launch your Gantt View (this is on the lower tab directory below your SI project explorer viewing pane).


Within your Gantt View, select add or insert to access your stored checklists.

stored checklists

Once inserted, you’ll now see something like this:


Now, you can review these values alongside with your team’s task items over the course of the project’s deployment length.

Moreover, these checklist executions can be tied to project statuses.

Sales Checklistc
When combined with our Workflow Rule notifications, this will allow for other team members to be notified in a timely and appropriate manner as your team achieves certain milestones with your project executions.

And there you have it!  The ability to add checklists throughout areas of SI that are designed to improve your team’s effort and efficiency with various applications at the project, task/service order, and project management (Gantt View) level.

Hopefully, this new updated feature set from SI v14 will enable your team to get more out of SI and utilize the added benefits of these types of user enhancements.


In closing…

For more information on these and other features of SI v14, please see this link: D-Tools SI v14.  You can also review our other videos and our usual support documentation.

You can also get more detailed information about v14 via our upcoming webinars or by enrolling in SI training with our PSG team.

And don’t forget, that’s why we’re here…to ensure your success with our product!  Be sure to check back here next month for more on SI!


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