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Tip of the Month: What’s the Latest Price? Good Question …Supplier Pricing is now live in SI!

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October 1, 2024
Tip of the Month: What’s the Latest Price? Good Question …Supplier Pricing is now live in SI!

This article will review the Supplier Partner pricing option now live within SI v13.  This feature now enables SI users to set up their initial catalog pricing and maintain it in an “automated” fashion. 

The inclusion of this feature is a real benefit for our users that have not used other pricing update methods like Portal IO or the PSA pricing update mechanism.  In this article, we’ll focus on the steps required to get this feature activated and the options to maximize its benefits. 

For those of you already on board with our Software Assurance program that have upgraded to v13, please enjoy the following details.  For those of you ready to “get with the program” and upgrade your prior version of SI, please reach out to our Customer Success team here


First things first of course, you will need to review the ever-expanding list of brands participating in this feature set within SI.  So let’s launch the SI Product Library and proceed.

From the Home Page of D-Tools,

you can launch the SI Library from the Quick Access menu at the bottom left corner of the screen.

Just single left click on “Catalog” and select “Add Products from Library” to view the Product Library’s contents.  You’ll see this screen next:

From here, you’ll need to click on “Connect”  in the Vendor Partners section of the Home Ribbon across the top row:

Now you’ll be able to review the current list of vendors:

 (125 participating at this time) (partial list below here)

Please notice that status, your account number, pricing tier, and date of last price sync are visible here. Speaking of account numbers, you’ll now need your supplier account number and billing zip code. Click on “Connect” in the top left corner and add your account number and billing zip code.

Please note that the manufacturer or supplier “highlighted” in the background determines whom you’re connecting with for this option:

Then click “Connect” and if you see this option:

click “Yes”.  Next, you’ll see this:

(Keep in mind, it may take several business days to get this approved.)
Once connected, you can then update your pricing.

*Note: If you are not yet a dealer for one of the listed supplier, you can click on “Sign-up” to get started with a registration process:

Now we can go over how to get your pricing updated on a schedule.

From the Vendors Partners section of the SI Library home screen, click on “Schedule Price Updates”:

You’ll now see this screen:

This is where you can set the timing of the pricing updates (Never, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly).  You can also do this for your appropriate Product Price Types.

The great thing about this application is that you can also set how your Unit Price will be affected by cost changes.  (*Note: This is the same as the Price Settings feature.)

Once these factors are set, you simply click “Update Prices” and/or “Save Schedule” to engage the feature.  Results from either option are shown below:

You can then review what prices have received an update by launching the connect to supplier Vendor Partner interface again and clicking on “Find Products with Pricing Provided by Partner Products”:

Based on the selected brands, you’ll see something like this:

You can always click “Update” in the bottom right corner to push the amounts to your catalog.

Speaking of the catalog, this feature set can also be accessed from your Product Explorer within SI:

For those of you familiar with our Layouts, you can now see a new data column that indicates if the pricing is set by the supplier partner interface: Partner Set Cost

From there, you could create a Custom Layout to further create an appropriate presentation of your pricing values.

And just like that, you’ve completed a “crash” course in SI’s new supplier pricing feature set.
Hopefully, this new feature of SI v13 will enable your team to “automate” at least a portion of your catalog pricing thus allowing more time invested elsewhere – namely in closing deals! 



In closing…

For more information on these and other features of SI, please see this link:    D-Tools SI. 
You can also get more detailed information about v13 in our upcoming webinars or by enrolling in SI training with our PSG team.

And don’t forget, that’s why we’re here to ensure your success with our product!  Be sure to check back here next month for more on SI!

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