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Tech Terminal: Updating the SI Server and Client

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Tech Terminal: Updating the SI Server and Client

Stay up to date with version 18 of D-Tools av proposal, system design, and field service management software.

With System Integrator v18 officially here, an update always brings new features and fixes, which could seem troublesome to some, and bring excitement to others.

You might be wondering, how do I prepare for updates?

It’s simple! Before anything else, set a date/time for when you plan for this to occur.

>It’s best to plan accordingly depending on if we host your server, or if your team runs this in house.

After that, users will need to ensure they have all of their Projects checked in and ready to go, as this will allow for the Project files to be updated to the latest version.

From there, you will need to run a backup on the SI Server Manager to have a backup file to return to in the event some unforeseen issue occurs.

*Note: When updating within versions (IE: v17 update while on v17), no backup is required however, it is never a bad idea!

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How do I update the Server/Client?

There are two ways to handle this:

  • Check for Updates

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  • Utilize the download links available

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Both are valid ways to update your program, but the download links will always provide the most up to date versions available to download. The links may even have a newer version available that the check for updates tool does not.

I’ve checked for updates, but I don’t see an update.

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There are a lot of times we will instruct users to check for updates to get themselves on the latest build to resolve a possible issue they may have encountered.

Our Development team releases “Incremental” updates that do not get pushed to the automatic updater. The reasoning for this is our team waits until there is enough in a release to trigger the automated process. There can be times where a new version is released daily to patch out issues and/or possibly add/fix features as possible. This is why using the download links to check for updates could help resolve potential issues you may come across.

Where can I find these download links?

There are two locations you can acquire download links from us.

The wiki page has a section specific to “Download Links” for the SI Client builds, but not the Server builds. This is done intentionally to avoid confusion and further issues.

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The alternative to this would be to reach out to us, the Support team! We have these links handy and ready to send as requested!

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You have a couple of ways to get in touch with us:

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Our Chat is always live and open! You can find our support chat on our website, click on the chat icon in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

You can also click on the D-Tools Help Center in our website navigation to check other means of contacting us or accessing helpful resources.

If you have any issues or questions with updating, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for assistance, it’s what we’re here for!

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