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Tech Terminal: Server Updates and the Importance of Backups

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Tech Terminal: Server Updates and the Importance of Backups

With the recent System Integrator (SI v12) update released, I found it important to write an article on the importance of either creating a backup or setting automated backups for your SI Server during the process of updating or everyday use.

While you do not need to perform routine backups to utilize the software, it is highly suggested and will prevent data loss occurring overtime for any unforeseen reason.

Generating SI Backups

In order to generate an SI Backup, it is recommended that the following criteria are met:

  • All Projects are Checked into the Server
  • All Clients are disconnected from the Server

After this has been completed, you are ready to generate a solid backup that will help mitigate data corruption/loss. Next, you will need to access the SI Server System (the PC/Server that houses the SI Server Software) and open the SI Server Manager. The following gallery will simulate the steps of generating a backup for the SI Server:

Scheduled Backups

The backup process can be automated by utilizing the built-in Windows Task Scheduler. By doing this, you are able to generate nightly (or morning) backups that will keep up to the last seven days stored in the default backup location.

To set this up, please follow the steps below:

  • In the Windows Start Menu, type “Task Scheduler”
  • Once this opens, click Action>Create Task. this will open the “Create Task” Window.
  • Create a name and description for the task. Ensure you check-off “Run with highest privileges”.
  • Click the “Triggers” tab and then the “New…” button.
  • Set your desired Daily Time and have it recur each day.
  • Click the “Actions” tab and select “New…”
  • Under the “Action” drop down, please select “Start a program”. Then select “Browse..” and navigate to the SIServerManager.exe file. By default, this file location would be: C:\Program Files (x86)\D-Tools\SIX\Server .
  • Under the “Add arguments (optional)” section, type /b and then select “OK”.
  • Once this has been completed, Hit “OK” again to finalize the Task.
  • Please Note: The task will only launch if the Server System is on, the Windows User is signed in, and the SI Server Manager window is not open.

If you have any questions/issues on this topic, please do not hesitate to submit a Support Ticket or chat.

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