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System Integrator v19 – Our latest release is now live! Preview of our latest feature enhancements.

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System Integrator v19 – Our latest release is now live! Preview of our latest feature enhancements.

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With each product release, anticipation and excitement start to build for the hotly requested feature enhancements of subsequent releases. SI v19 has blessedly arrived and we’ll use this blog entry to showcase a few of the new features. Hope you enjoy!

  • Purchase Order from Service OrdersThis feature is designed to enhance and streamline your efforts within SI when it comes to Purchase Orders. The ability to create a Purchase Order directly from a Service Order is now active! This solution now allows access to our existing PO mechanism from within the Service Order Explorer
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    or from within the actual Service Order itself:
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    Just like our regular PO generator, you can even start with a blank PO and choose from any combination of SO’s (Service Orders), Projects, or even a Catalog order to replenish your stock levels.

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The resultant Summary tab will show the overall PO list of items:

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In the past, you may have used an actual SI Project to manage or link your PO’s from SO’s in a way that they could be tracked just like your PO’s from Projects (or even your Catalog but that’s another discussion where inventory values are needed). Now, while that was a sensible and favorable way to accomplish this in SI prior to this addition of PO’s from SO’s, it is now no longer required! This should make life much simpler for your service and procurement team. You’re welcome!

  • Sub-Systems - Finally! Am I right? Just like our Location manager, you can now create “sub-systems” for your System values. You can access these from the Settings icon in your Catalog, Project Explorer, and in your Project of course:

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Now why does this matter? Glad you asked.

Namely, you can now add a way to view your Project items by changing your “Layout” to “By System”.

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Further, this designation gives you the enhanced ability to organize, report, and thus deploy with greater detail. Lets’ face it, when it comes to letting your client know what they’re buying as well as letting your team know how these components relate, nothing else can really pull it together like a System and corresponding sub-System assignment.

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Yet another example of D-Tools responding to the Feature Requests of our users so that all may now benefit from the enhanced functionality.

  • Location numeric assignment – Closely related to the sub-System addition is the ability to now add a numeric designation to a Location value.

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This should offer our users the flexibility to add and organize Location values to match bid requirements with an eye towards assisting your design and deployment teams as well. This of course is to say nothing about the potential report implications such as present Locations by numeric values. You might need to speak with a member of our PSG team for assistance with report customizations but it is now possible.

  • Component ID enhancements – How about something for our beloved engineers and technicians? Well, how about the ability to create even more unique designations for items in your Catalog so that they can be better tracked, tagged, and identified.

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That’s right, Custom Fields are now a part of the data sources you can access when constructing your Component ID values. This is specifically for users who need to incorporate information that is not natively within SI. So no matter how you load that data, e.g. “copy-paste” or “CSV” import, you can now readily add that to your Component ID formatting.

Along with this format enhancement is the data field mentioned above here of Sub-System.

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Just another way SI enables users to further detail and clarify values needed for reports and product/wire labels.

  • PoE support – Just a bit of a preview here as this feature addition deserves a blog entry of its own but it merits a mention here and that’s the ability now to have PoE details in the Product data within our Catalog and thus Projects.

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Of course, you can report on this data so your team can get all the necessary Ethernet data organized ahead of deployment.

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Stay tuned for more on this one in the future.

With all of that said, there’s still plenty more in store for you with SI’s v19 product release. So for more information on v19, please click here and here!

As always, we are reviewing your Feature Requests to determine our best step forward and next course of action with future SI product releases so…“keep’em coming”!

Hopefully this presentation of just some of the many recent feature additions to SI will not only improve your team’s efficiency and effectiveness, but will also keep the needle moving in the right direction as you tackle all our industry’s recent challenges of late.

As always, we will continue to present new features from our latest release (v19) to enable your team to get more and more out of D-Tools System Integrator software.

Please check back later for future blog entries!!!

In closing…

For more information on these and other features of SI v19, please see this link: D-Tools v19. You can also review our other videos and our usual support documentation.

You can also get more detailed information about v19 via our upcoming webinars and by enrolling in SI training with our PSG team.

And don’t forget, that’s why we are here…to ensure your success with our product! Be sure to check back here next month for more on v19!!!



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