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D-Tools: Systems Integrator v16 – Mobile Install Enhancements

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D-Tools: Systems Integrator v16 – Mobile Install Enhancements

Mobile field service management with D-Tools software

You speak and we listen! With the “Feature Request” option in SI, our dealers and users have been able to provide us with valuable insights from the industry specifically related to their use of SI’s Mobile Install “web-app” platform. As a result, we have modified certain aspects that platform to give our users greater detail control and editing power.

Much of our user base is incredibly dependent upon on data and information from the field. Further, for many of them, it can be an hour by hour need that is critical to their overall project management success. Naturally, we take usage of this aspect of our software seriously and hope these new feature enhancements will aid in your efforts to improve field efficiency and also empower your field team to reach new heights.

“Supervisor” designation?

We have given Mobile Install (MI) administrators the ability to designate certain MI users with the ability to adjust and update hours for other MI users.

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(This applies to “Actual” hours only.)
The primary benefit here is that, your “team leaders” in the field can enter or override other technician’s time entries when necessary. For some teams, it is part of the team leader or crew chief’s job to make such assessments and entries as these values often directly translate to payroll allocations.

No more having to get an “admin” level user to make such “hour” adjustments. “Admin” level users can simply delegate that duty to the appropriate field team leader.

“Priority” designation?

Now this one is a definite yes! Following closely with the enhancement on the SI side for Service Orders and Tasks that we covered in our last entry here, you can now make similar assignments in MI that will help your field techs prioritize the day’s events.

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This is another aspect of MI helping to empower your field technicians and team leaders to organize and execute the day’s necessary tasks.

“Independent” site item approval designation?

Another long sought after feature from our users is now live. You now can individually update the “approval” status of Site Items that are added to your Service Orders and Tasks (work orders).

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Why is this great? This will allow your MI users to select only certain items that they add to their Tasks and Service Orders for approval. This is especially great for Tasks that run over multiple days and/or weeks but billing for the addition of parts, materials, and labor needs to take place on a Change Order ahead of completion of the overall work order.
This is also particularly helpful on those Service Orders that have multiple “be-backs”. Items that are installed can now be approved for Change Orders and invoiced ahead of the ultimate completion of the service ticket.

There you have it! The latest in D-Tools SI v16 ingenuity and innovation!                          

As always, we are reviewing your Feature Requests to determine our best step forward and next course of action with future SI product releases…so “keep’em coming”! 

Hopefully this presentation of just some of the many recent feature additions to SI will not only improve your team’s efficiency and effectiveness, but will also keep the needle moving in the right direction as you tackle all the challenges of this year. As always, we will continue to present new features from our latest release (v16) to enable your team to get more and more out of D-Tools System Integrator software.

Please check back later for future blog entries!!!

In closing…

For more information on these and other features of SI v16, please see this link: D-Tools SI v16. You can also review our other videos and our usual support documentation.

You can also get more detailed information about v16 via our upcoming webinars or by enrolling in SI training with our PSG team.

And don’t forget, that’s why we’re here…to ensure your success with our product! Be sure to check back here next month for more on v16!!!

Written by Doug Clemens Professional Services Consultant


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