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Cloud CRM

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Cloud CRM
CRM – Sales Opportunity Management

D-Tools Cloud helps you manage sales opportunities, track pipeline, and quickly respond to customer demands.


Pipeline in no time.

D-Tools Cloud provides a powerful, yet easy to use solution to help you make the most of every client opportunity. Our simple on-boarding process will get you working in a matter of minutes. Simply enter a new customer opportunity and start working. Start building accurate quotes through an intuitive process that kick starts your productivity and reduces your time to sale.

Keep track of every engagement through D-Tools Cloud’s visual opportunity management – set tasks and reminders to keep things moving and keep your team informed on the progress.


Manage Your Process

Track your progress every step of the way with D-Tools Cloud’s flexible opportunity stages. Choose from pre-set stages or customize to fit your workflow. D-Tools Cloud enables effective management of your sales pipeline and helps you win more jobs in less time.


Build Stronger Client Relationships

Quickly respond to client requests. Know when to take the next step and be ready when your clients are. Set tasks and follow up reminders that ensure that you’re on top of your game and stay top-of-mind for your client’s needs.

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