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System Integrator - How SI's Gantt View can provide insight and perspective

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October 1, 2024
System Integrator - How SI's Gantt View can provide insight and perspective


For this latest entry, we thought it would be a good idea to review a relatively new feature in SI that many teams have still not discovered or fully utilized, the Gantt View.

Despite being released several SI versions ago, it remains something of an unrealized asset in the SI arsenal. While this mechanism is replete with unique methods of usage, it does merit a thorough review of best practices as well as an understanding of the values present to leverage its potential.

So whether you’ve used Gantt related functionalities on other software platforms or not, your team will certainly benefit from utilizing this somewhat advanced SI feature.

First of all, what is the SI Gantt View?
The Gantt View in SI allows our users to view data from Projects, Tasks, and Checklists in a linear calendar presentation alongside specific data fields from said Projects, Tasks, and Checklists that are related to the actual deployment values associated with all the items within the SI Project itself.

Now while that may seem like a mouthful (and it is), the mechanism is outstanding at placing multiple values into a single split-screen view for various aspects of Project Management, review of installation dates, and overall elements of the success of installation milestones.

Getting started with the Gantt View in SI.

Assuming most you here have not spent time reviewing this usage in SI, I shall offer a brief tutorial on where to go to being your assessment.

Proceed to the Project Explorer and select any relevant Project.

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From there, click on Tasks in the sub-tab row below your list of Projects.

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On the row below there, simply click on Gantt View.

You will then see a new window that opens with corresponding icons in the ribbon.

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Since there is a lot to consider here, we’ll stick with the basics to get you started quickly.

Step 1 – click on Add in the left side of the ribbon:

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From the drop-down, select From Project.
This will then open a following window that allows you to build the type of presentation that you would like to see in your Gantt View:

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Your Level options here are sort of a “when, where, what” scenario in terms of how place the Project data in your Gantt View.
Phase equals when, Location equals where, and System equals what. Now while there are 3 levels for you to select from, you do not have to use all 3 and you could use any combination of the Levels for your plotting including only using 1 or 2.

Once you have selected your various Level designations, a screen will load that provides a preview of your pending Gantt View.

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If you need to make any changes to it based on what you see, click on previous to return to the prior screen. This could be necessary if you have loaded any Phases, Locations, or Systems that have zero hours.

If all looks good, clicking on Finish will launch your Gantt View.

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Factors and considerations to be aware of when using your Gantt View:

While there is a lot to consider when configuring your Gantt View, here are some points of interest you can utilize for basic usage.
-Scheduling Dates: The date fields of Start and End will allow you to set these values for field executions here prior to sending them to the Task generator.

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-Predecessors: This essential designation allows you to open prior events in your Gantt View in order for those to be marked as completed prior to selected event’s commencement:

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Once determined, these Predecessors will appear in the line item evaluation for the event.

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-Milestones: A literal key designation of any event in your Gantt View, the marking of any row as a Predecessor could serve as a reminder to execute billing or simply as a distinction of specific time achievement in the lifespan of any Project.

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This distinction (along with the Predecessors), will show in your Excel export of the Gantt View or in the PDF should you chose to print it.
-Resource Name(s):
A very convenient assessment here allows SI users to select their team members who will be assigned the Task once the Gantt View is converted to a field deployment state.

Deploying events from the Gantt View to the field:

SI offers our users the unique ability to Convert any and all deployable lines within a Project’s Gantt View to field event for the Mobile Install technicians. These are known as Tasks within SI.

First, begin by selecting the lines you wish to deploy from within the visual matrix:

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By Phase could be a good first step for this assessment.

Once selected, you can then click on Convert in top left portion of the ribbon:

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Just be sure to deselect Create Summary Tasks before doing so unless of course that is your intention.

And as our platform often does, SI will request that you click save prior to exporting the values from the Gantt View to the Project’s Task list.

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Another convenience and truly helpful prompt should then load asking if you would like to add corresponding items from your Project to the Tasks:

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Yes is strongly recommended here as you can always modify such values once the Tasks are spun-up in your Project’s Task list.

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By having the Tasks preloaded with your items, you save yourself time as well as enabling other SI users that may need to run reports on the to be installed items such as Packing and Pick lists.

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Status updates are available in real time in the Gantt View:

Another great aspect of having this view in your SI is the ability to review values as they are updated from other users and the field technicians via the Mobile Install web-app.

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Data and reference points such as budgeted hours, resources, start and end dates, completion percentage, and Task status are available in your Gantt View.
This allows our users to make assessments about future deployment and resource availability during specific time-periods. Which leads me to our last entry here…

A note on the linear calendar:

Other than being an affective view of your deployment timeline, this interactive display also allows users to modify the dates of installation events that are present.

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Simply click and hold on the white oblong disc shaped item below the dark grey one that is set for each Phase of your deployment and drag into the future to modify the date.

Upon saving and converting, your selected dates will then populate to your ready to Publish Tasks.

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A major time saver especially if you need to modify the dates or multiple events in your timeline view.

With this type of usage, your team can very successfully and quickly modify dates, items, resources and other deployment related details in this Gantt View. This is an incredibly effective tool in SI that will serve your team well for years to come.

While we have covered a few mechanisms and methodologies in today’s session, this is merely scratching the surface of what SI can achieve for Project Managers.

Now, since we know each team will leverage and utilize these aforementioned feature sets in their own unique method, it is strongly recommended for new (as well as experienced) SI users to reach out to our PSG division to gain further insight from our team of industry professionals with extensive SI experience themselves.

And there it is!

SI’s features function in such a fashion that will enable our users to quickly and effectively execute, review, and modify values related to their deployment timeline via this Gantt View. Be sure to tune back in here for future installments on SI’s v21 and beyond.

A Perspective

Our team is continually evaluating ways to improve and enhance your team’s usage of and experience with our SI platform. Therefore, it behooves you and your team to explore these (and other features) as well by securing time with our Professional Services Group of SI and integration industry veterans in order to maximize your team’s ability to succeed with the software.

In Summation…

-Update to v21 if you have not already done so.
-Review, utilize, and deploy the features listed above here to ensure success Gantt View.
-Sign-up for webinars, training, or visit our online documentation wiki for tutorial assistance.
And, as always…
-Get focused, get serious, and make money.


With all of that said, there’s still plenty more in store for you with SI and forthcoming product releases so keep an eye out for future updates.

We are always reviewing your Feature Requests to determine our best step forward and next course of action with future SI product releases so…“keep’em coming”!

In closing…

For more information on these and other features of SI, please see this link: D-Tools v21. You can also review our other videos and our usual support documentation.
You can also get more detailed information about v21 via our upcoming webinars and by enrolling in SI training with our PSG team. Please review our “What’s new in v21” webinar that is now available.

And don’t forget, that’s why we are here…to ensure your success with our product! Be sure to check back here next time for more on v21!!!

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