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Using Price Rules to Convert Currency

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Using Price Rules to Convert Currency

D-Tools has users all over the world, so here’s something useful for those of you outside of the United States. Those of you who do business internationally may also find this information helpful. We get this question often:

How Do I Convert Currency ?

You’ll notice that in the Data Library, the MSRP or the Unit Cost (Unit Cost available using the integration) is in US Dollars (USD). What if you are selling in Euros?

First, let’s start with the currency symbol. To display the Euro symbol (€) throughout System Integrator (SI), go to Windows Control Panel > Region and Language to make the adjustment. You can adjust decimal placement here as well. Details about Region and Language here.

Next, review and set up Price Types in the Control Panel in SI. By default, Price Type A is set to be applied to all projects. You may be using A and B, as Retail pricing and Builder pricing, for example. You can automatically populate the pricing by creating a currency conversion Price Rule.

Setting up Price Rules

There can be multiple Price Rules set up. For currency conversion, you will need at least two:

One to convert MSRP from USD to Euros
One to populate Unit Price A

In the Catalog, go to Tools > Price Rules. To convert MSRP from USD to Euros, click the green icon to create the rule:

[MSRP] = [MSRP] * (conversion rate)

Next, create a rule that would populate Unit Price A. Here’s an example:

[Unit Price A] = [MSRP] + 5%

Create a rule to populate each Price Type you are using. Each rule can be applied to a few selected items or the whole catalog at once.

To reverse the rules, simply use the Update from Library function. This will re-populate the original MSRP value.

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