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Cloud Ordering | Proposal, System Design & Project Management Software

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Cloud Ordering | Proposal, System Design & Project Management Software
D-Tools Cloud makes it easy to procure products for your client engagements.


Made to Order.

D-Tools Cloud provides an easy way to manage procurement for your client engagements. Order projects for a single project or multiple projects from a simple, easy-to-navigate user interface. Select products to be ordered, filter by supplier, brand, category, location or phase, order now or mark products to be ordered later. Order directly from a project or manage your orders through D-Tools Cloud’s new Ordering UI. Purchase Orders can be configured and edited before being sent to your suppliers. Update the status of a Purchase Order when you receive confirmation, shipping information, and when products are received. 


Create Purchase Orders

D-Tools Cloud enables you to create Purchase Orders for a single project or mark products “ready to order” so you can create purchase orders that span multiple projects. Simply navigate to a project and select the items that you want to order. You can filter by location, category, brand or supplier, or select all and then you have the option to “Order Now” or mark “Ready to Order” to add to a purchase order at a later date.



Configure and make adjustments

Review products that need to be ordered or have been added to a purchase order. Filter by location, system, or order status. Make adjustments, modify shipping and billing info, or edit pricing before sending off to your suppliers.


Integrated Ordering with Amazon Business

D-Tools Cloud customers now have an easy, convenient way to purchase products through Amazon Business. Amazon Business is a marketplace that combines the selection, convenience and value customers have come to know and love from Amazon, with new features and unique benefits tailored to the needs of businesses. Amazon Business provides easy access to millions of products. Connect your Amazon Business account to D-Tools Cloud, add Amazon devices to project proposals, and send purchase orders directly to Amazon Business for fulfillment. D-Tools Cloud users can register for a free Amazon Business account today: Learn more



Maintain Order

D-Tools Cloud’s Ordering UI makes it easy to track orders for multiple projects. Keep track of purchase orders that have been drafted, products that have been marked for order, have been ordered, and received from a single, easy to understand KanBan interface. 


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