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6 AV Sales Tips from the Pros

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6 AV Sales Tips from the Pros

The audiovisual industry is one of the fastest-evolving landscapes in the technology world; we have experienced five year’s worth of innovation essentially crammed into a single year. While the pandemic has caused nearly unprecedented tumult in the business world, there is strong growth in the field. The AV industry touches virtually every facet of the economy, and companies rely on seamless solutions. The ability to offer robust, effective, and user-friendly products and services is paramount. For AV sales professionals, the challenge is in integrating a whirlwind of change and communicating how they will benefit clients and customers.

6 Best Practices for AV Sales and Installation

AV has pivoted from a nice-to-have to a must-have for today’s businesses. It is not a luxury but a hardline necessity. That said, it does not sell itself. The complexity of solutions and integrations make it an esoteric world for prospects, so help them navigate it with sure steps and confidence. 


  1. Focus on the Product Benefits

When you are passionate about a product or service, it is easy to get lost in the details. For example, AV salespeople may launch into a conversation (or rather, a monologue!) on a solution like Huddle Room. It features the Atlona AT-HOME-EX-Kit, an HDBaseT extender for video up to 4k/60 4:2:0, and the AT-HDVS-Cam PTZ camera that integrates with the Omega Series. And don’t forget AT-PKT-3H.




You lost your audience somewhere around HDBaseT extender. There is a seemingly endless array of hardware and software AV solutions from which to choose; the technical differences between one versus another can be incomprehensible to someone outside the field. Prospects do not always have the same level of technical expertise as you. And if they do, they are not interested in the acronyms and numbers; they want to know what it will do for them.

Instead of focusing on specs and features that mean little to nothing to your prospects, zero in on how the solution will benefit them. How will it solve a pressing business problem? How will streamline and enhance operations, improve collaboration and communication? How will it make their work lives easier, more convenient, more efficient… better? Tell the story. This aligns your knowledge and strategy with your prospect’s objectives.


  1. Always Be Problem Solving

We all know the ABCs of sales: Always Be Closing. To get to that point, though, we need to Always Be Problem Solving. Even the most robust, effective solution does not “solve” much if it is not suited to a client’s business, operations, and/or space. AV sales executives need to be able to visualize their solutions for a client’s needs. We mentioned telling the story above; now it’s time to take it off the page, if you will.

See where the equipment will go before it is ordered. See how the solution comes together. Be there to provide support and problem solving at all stages of the relationship. And this is exactly what it is: a relationship between AV sales professionals and the companies who rely on streamlined products and services to run their businesses. 




  1. Explain (And Guide!) the Process

A recent Accenture Strategy survey of 30,000 customers found that two-thirds are “attracted” to companies that are transparent. The push for not only transparency, but “radical” transparency, continues as consumers become more informed and educated. It is your job as an AV sales professional to explain the process. Illuminate prospects on how it works. From  budgeting and design to installation and field service management, it is critical that they understand how the process works.

You must also work within the process, guiding it to ensure a positive experience for prospects and customers.




  1. Do a Proper Hand-off to the Technician

When a client purchases an AV solution, it’s not like buying sneakers on the internet. They don’t get their “package,” lace up, and go for a run. They need continued support and guidance; it is arguably more critical now than ever. While the sales process is obviously crucial, “after sales” steps are equally important. 

Implement a process by which you properly transfer the closed deal from sales to delivery teams. What does this look like? What information do teams need to share? What type of interaction do they need in order to continue the customer experience and move it into new territory? Do not treat sales and delivery as two separate and distinct silos: when interconnected, a collaborative approach powers smooth transitions and solidifies customer relationships. 


  1. Have a Service Management Plan

What’s next? A company will require AV solutions suited to their own specific needs. Ongoing support and service after the equipment is installed is part of the package. Just as you need a hand-off plan from sales to delivery, you should implement a sound service management plan, anticipating future requirements. 

Eventually, a client will have to make upgrades, replace technology, or adopt new solutions. When you have a service management plan, and when you continue that relationship with exceptional service, you will be the provider they trust and turn to.


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  1. Utilize AV Proposal Software

Now it’s time to put it all together. Find out how D-Tools AV Proposal Software can help you expedite the proposal process. Win more jobs in 2021 and manage your system integration projects with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Contact us today.

Learn more about D-Tools AV Proposal Software with this helpful demo with a member of our team.


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