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Shockingly High Porch Piracy Theft Data Released

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Shockingly High Porch Piracy Theft Data Released

The video doorbell camera has become a staple product installation for many integrators, but even that is not enough to stop “porch pirates” from stealing packages, according to new data from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. As the problem of package theft continues to rise, it creates an opportunity for integrators to expand upon a basic video doorbell installation to offer more comprehensive security solutions as part of a possible “security-first” sales strategy.

According to the shocking data, more than one out of every four U.S. consumers (26%) has been the victim of package theft, with more than one-third of those consumers (34%) saying they had a package stolen in the past 12 months. According to the data, most of the thefts occur at single-family residences in suburban areas, while 22% of those victims reported they have a video doorbell camera. The continued rise in porch piracy has unfortunately led 38% of consumers to the conclusion that video doorbell cameras do not deter thieves.

The average consumer has 5.6 packages delivered to their doorstep every month, with the average monthly expenditure on those packages at $147.57. Four out of every five consumers (80%) receive at least one package delivery per month.

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For integrators, the data reveals how they can use the video doorbell camera as a sales tool with clients, knowing that such a high percentage of customers have been victimized by this particular type of crime. Integrators have the ability in D-Tools to create comprehensive security proposals that can combine the video doorbell with additional security devices, including additional exterior surveillance cameras, security lighting, a local alarm bell/siren, or even exterior perimeter security detection such as photoelectric beams or outdoor motion sensors. In all, there are nearly 80,000 security products in the D-Tools Integrated Product Library to choose from. These additional security devices can be included using the Alternates function in D-Tools’ proposal creation tool, so the customer, in essence, helps build their own security solution.

Now is the time to discuss these security options with your clients, long before the holiday shopping season occurs. According to the CoC study, 92% of consumers expect to receive home delivery of packages during the holiday shopping season.

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