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D-Tools Mobile Install Field Service Management App

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D-Tools Mobile Install Field Service Management App

D-Tools’ Mobile Install feature gives System Integrator (SI) users the power to publish install Task and Service Orders to a web portal powered by the D-Tools Cloud that can be accessed by technicians and installers in the field from any device. Below are some of the major benefits of Mobile Install. We have added enhancements to time tracking, adding items on-site, and other enhancements to make Mobile Install an indispensable part of the SI solution.

Create and Manage Mobile Resources: Customers on D-Tools’ Software Assurance plan get one Mobile Install resource for every SI license purchased. Additional Mobile Install licenses are available for a nominal monthly fee per user. MI resources can receive task notifications via email and access tasks via the Mobile Install web portal.

Publish Project Task and Service Orders: Project-specific install tasks and Service Orders can be published to MI from the SI interface. Select resources, install or repair items, estimated start, and end hours/dates, and publish to the MI web portal.

Send Project Documents and Reports to Mobile Install: Project documentation (such as drawings and reports) can be sent (uploaded) to MI and associated with specific project Tasks or Service Orders. Arm your install team with the information they need to complete tasks on-time and to-budget.

Add Site Items to Install Task and Service Orders: Track and account for additional work in the field and empower your techs to add additional products or services and get customer approval on the spot. Approved added items or services can be added to an existing SI project.

Update from Mobile Install: Task status and other information changes can be synched back to SI. Items such as percent complete, actual resource time, serial number, and notes are incrementally tracked and updated with each sync. Notifications are sent to project managers when tasks have been updated or completed.

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