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D-Tools: Why choose hosted? | Proposal, System Design & Project Management Software

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The D-Tools Hosted Solution is a “plug and play” option for users that are looking for mobility and the ability to store their D-Tools SI Server on the Cloud. Why choose our Amazon Hosted Server?

  • Ease of use and access: Seamlessly transition your on-premises server to the cloud and get the flexibility to work anywhere in the world with an internet connection, without the need for a VPN. This allows all users, whether in the office or working remotely, to access and monitor their D-Tools projects more effectively, ultimately boosting productivity.
  • Backups: The D-Tools team will back up your server daily and store the data for 7 days.
  • Updates: All software updates and upgrades will be managed by the D-Tools team, saving you time and ensuring that you always have access to the latest D-Tools features.
  • Reliability: Because all your data is hosted through Amazon Web Services with full redundancy of both power and Internet connection, you will experience less downtime and issues that arise can be resolved quickly and with minimal impact on operations.
  • Cost: Removes the need for costly in-house IT infrastructure and staffing.
  • Security: For security, the pre-configured firewall only allows traffic from the D-Tools SI application, and the only ports opened to traffic are 9010, 1433 and 1434. For enhanced security, the connection to those ports can be tied to your specific IP address therefore only computers on your network can connect to your cloud server.


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