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D-Tools and ProjX360 Integration Adds CRM and additional Project Management Capabilities to the System Integrator Platform

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D-Tools and ProjX360 Integration Adds CRM and additional Project Management Capabilities to the System Integrator Platform

D-Tools Inc., the worldwide leader in system integration software, and ProjX360 today announced the official integration between the two platforms. This integration offers system integrators the ability to seamlessly use ProjX360’s Sales CRM and Project Management software with D-Tools’ System Integrator (SI) platform for proposals and drawings without the need for double entry of information. Available now, this integration provides system integrators with the advantage of utilizing these powerful software tools together, and ensuring that critical project information flows seamlessly throughout the project lifecycle.

The combination of D-Tools’ award-winning estimation, design and documentation capabilities, along with ProjX360s’ robust sales and project management tools provides integrators with a complete solution to manage their projects from initial client contact through project completion and service.

Starting the process in ProjX360’s Sales CRM, users can manage their leads from prospect, to opportunity, while keeping appointments, notes, and all associated information organized within ProjX360s’ Sales CRM. When ready to create a proposal and design systems, users simply execute a single click to push the client information through to D-Tools, which eliminates the need to re-enter that information while ensuring data integrity.

Once the D-Tools proposal has been approved, ProjX360 users can then pull the project information, such as product, pricing and labor by phase, directly from D-Tools and into the ProjX360 for managing the project. This includes the ability to quickly create POs from products in the proposal, as well as generate pick lists and work orders, manage field techs, track install time, and more.

The API integration between D-Tools and ProjX360 helps those in the electronic systems integration industry streamline operations, standardize processes, reduce redundancies and ensure data integrity throughout the process. Users of this integrated solution will be able to more effectively manage every aspect of a project from initial client contact through estimation, system design, installation, and post-install service.

To introduce and share details of the new API integration, a webinar is being offered on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST. The session, “Improve Operational Efficiency with D-Tools and ProjX360” will teach participants how to execute a seamless workflow from the initial proposal through the install. Space is limited; register here to reserve your spot here:

Those interested in learning more about the new D-Tools and ProjX360 API integration should visit To learn more about ProjX360 and the company’s cloud-based management solution for the CI industry, visit or sign up for a free demonstration of the software

For more information about D-Tools and the company’s award-winning System Integrator software platform are also encouraged to sign up for a free online guided tour by visiting or for a free 30-day trial, which can be downloaded by visiting

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