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Integrator Achieves 80%-90% Close Rate Using D-Tools Cloud

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Integrator Achieves 80%-90% Close Rate Using D-Tools Cloud

For most small integration companies with limited resources, there are just not enough hours in a day to do everything necessary to cultivate a high volume of business. Integrator/entrepreneurs often do most, if not all, of the sales, design/engineering, purchasing, installation and service.

With all that responsibility, it’s important to be as efficient as possible in every aspect of the business, particularly in the ability to quickly generate and successfully close proposals. For Blake Turner, founder of Turner’s Audio Video in South Mills, N.C., D-Tools Cloud is his go-to business management software solution that enables him to maximize his revenue potential. Indeed, Turner is able to successfully close a mind-blowing 80% to 90% of his proposals using D-Tools Cloud.

“D-Tools Cloud has helped me in so many ways. The most important of those being the closing rate,” comments Turner. “I have a nearly 80% to 90% closing rate on all jobs I've been on, and I believe the reason for this is the quick, accurate and attractive proposals that I can create.”

He cites one in particular proposal for a large project for which the client was receiving multiple bids from other integrators.

“D-Tools Cloud has helped with many proposals, but one in particular stands out to me.
I was on site with a couple of other integrators bidding on the same project. I was able to create the proposal on the spot and the customer was very impressed with how clean and how quick it was, and they actually signed off right away and won me that job,” he says.

Located in northeast North Carolina, Turners AV has been in business for one year and has one other employee in addition to Blake Turner, who has four years of experience working at other integration companies prior to starting his own business. Primarily, Turner’s AV focuses on existing homes and businesses providing control, security, surveillance, lighting, and networking.

From the outset of the business, D-Tools Cloud has been the company’s software solution.

“Before I started the company, I used D-Tools as a technician at the company where I gained my experience. The software was amazing and very easy to use,” notes Turner. For a small integrator, the process of adopting software can look daunting, but Turner was impressed by the onboarding training he received from D-Tools.

“During our onboarding process, the customer support team at D-Tools helped me very much in getting everything set up and ready to go very quickly and easily. They were able to answer all my questions without any hesitation and they seem to be very knowledgeable about every single part of D-Tools Cloud,” he recalls.

Favorite Features of D-Tools Cloud

Turner’s ability to secure up to 90% of the proposals via D-Tools Cloud starts with the access to the D-Tools Integrated Product Library.

Our favorite feature of D-Tools Cloud is the integration with all my vendors, which makes finding products very easy. The software makes it very easy to put out quick estimates for my clients. I can even do them right as I am doing a consultation. I don't have to flip through multiple websites to find prices or to search to find which exact item I typically use. I can just throw it right in there and be done, and write up accurate estimates for my clients to accept right away.”

Turner has also recently started using one of the newest D-Tools Cloud features… D-Tools Payments.

“D-Tools Payments processing has made the proposals a lot more seamless for the clients, so they don't jump through multiple apps and different hoops to accept anything,” he adds.

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