Resource Center

Data by D-Tools: 2023 Year in Review Report

Written by Jason Knott | May 20, 2024 5:54:41 PM

After a rough start to 2023, the integration business had a strong bounce back during the final six months of 2023. While the number of actual proposals per integrator remained relatively stable, there was a surge in both the average proposal dollar value and the final contract dollar value started in late spring and continued through October. When the dust settled on the full year, the average installation contract rose slightly to 4.6% in 2023. 

The 2023 D-Tools Year-in-Review Report digs into data drawn from tens of thousands of proposals and contracts in D-Tools Cloud. The information, which is presented in aggregate, gives integrators, manufacturers, distributors, reps and others associated with the industry a solid look at the state of the market in 2023 heading into 2024. 

Download the 2023 D-Tools Year-in-Review Report for free today.