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Customer Success Story: Using D-Tools Payments Pays Off for SimpleHome

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Customer Success Story: Using D-Tools Payments Pays Off for SimpleHome

When Michael Moore, managing partner at  SimpleHome LLC in Birmingham, AL, started using the new D-Tools Payments  feature recently, little did he know it would dramatically improve his entire payment-processing system. The results in terms of time savings and reduced confusion among clients have been immense:

  • Payments are now easier and “more natural” for clients by eliminating multiple emails
  • It has eliminated Moore’s time spent creating invoices in QuickBooks
  • The amount of time Moore spent chasing down payments by checks and hurrying them to the bank has been greatly reduced
  • Clients are paying via ACH more often than they previously were due to D-Tools Payments making that option more prominent, eliminating fees that Moore would have otherwise been paying for credit card processing.

The bottom-line results from all these changes are less wasted time, faster payments, and less-confused customers.

Easier for Clients & for SimpleHome

“In the past, using QuickBooks online, the process for sending invoices was kind of clunky both for me as well as for our clients,” explains Moore.

When I would send them a really nice proposal in D-Tools Cloud, there would be a box where they could accept the proposal. Then I would have to turn it around and export it to QuickBooks and create an invoice for that client,” explains Moore.

That process meant Moore had to rely on another email getting to the client and not getting caught by spam filters. Then the client has to see it and understand that the invoice is connected to the previous proposal from the previous conversation we had. And then, getting [the client] to just go ahead and [send me the payment].”

"When we switched to D-Tools Cloud Payments, the first two or three transactions were ACH because I had made the effort to set ACH as the default payment method. I didn’t really expect that." -- Michael Moore, SimpleHome LLC

He continues, “Once we started doing the payment processing through D-Tools Payments, having that payments request right there following the acceptance of the proposal is a much more natural process for the client. They understand that they have accepted the proposal… now it’s time to pay. So, we are excited about the expedited process and the more natural progression of the project than the process we had to follow in the past.”

Setting ACH as Default Method Pays Off

One surprising result SimpleHome experienced from using D-Tools Payments is that it enticed his customers to pay via ACH versus other methods.

“Prior to using D-Tools Cloud Payments, our primary source of funding was credit cards payments. We almost never got ACH payments. We do a fair amount of checks still, and I probably spend too much time chasing down those checks and making arrangements to pick them up so I can turn that money around faster and not have to worry about things getting lost in the mail,” recalls Moore.

“It was ironic that when we switched to D-Tools Cloud Payments, the first two or three transactions were ACH because I had made the effort to set ACH as the default payment method. I didn’t really expect that,” he adds.

“Having a more streamlined process with D-Tools Cloud Payments, we are getting our money faster… sometimes days, sometimes weeks. It is making a difference on how quickly we are getting our money and therefore how quickly we can get started on those projects,” adds Moore.

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